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Вт Янв 15, 2008 9:30 am
:: Complete Short Stories by Agatha Christie |
Рассказы Агаты Кристи в оригинале печатались в различных сборниках, но многие из них дублируют друг друга. Например, в сборнике The Harlequin Tea Set содержатся почти все те же рассказы, что и в сборнике While the Light Lasts. Но на самом деле можно выделить 15 книг, объединяющих ВСЕ рассказы Агаты Кристи.
Итак, полное собрание рассказов Кристи на английском языке - без упущений и повторений - можно скачать здесь: http://rapidshare.com/files/83668200/Complete_Short_Stories_by_Agatha_Christie.rar
Short stories by Agatha Christie have been published in many collections, lots of them duplicating each other. For example, The Harlequin Tea Set contains almost all the same stories as While the Light Lasts. But a little sorting out has revealed that there are just 15 collections that comprise ALL short stories by Agatha Christie excluding any duplicating.
Well, here goes! Complete Short Stories by Agatha Christie – no omissions and no duplicating. Here is the link: http://rapidshare.com/files/83668200/Complete_Short_Stories_by_Agatha_Christie.rar
Poirot Investigates *1924*
The Adventure of the Western Star
The Tragedy at Marsdon Manor
The Adventure of the Cheap Flat
The Mystery of Hunter's Lodge
The Million Dollar Bond Robbery
The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb
The Jewel Robbery at the Grand Metropolitan
The Kidnapped Prime Minister
The Disappearance of Mr. Davenheim
The Adventure of the Italian Nobleman
The Case of the Missing Will
Partners in Crime *1929*
A Fairy in the Flat
A Pot of Tea
The Affair of the Pink Pearl
The Affair of the Sinister Stranger
Finessing the King
The Gentleman Dressed in Newspaper
The Case of the Missing Lady
Blindman's Bluff
The Man in the Mist
The Crackler
The Sunningdale Mystery
The House of the Lurking Death
The Unbreorble Alibi
The Clergyman's Daughter
The Red House
The Ambassador's Boots
The Man Who Was Number 16
The Mysterious Mr. Quin *1930*
The Coming of Mr. Quin
The Shadow on the Glass
At the Bells and Morley
The Sign in the Sky
The Soul of the Croupier
The World's End
The Voice in the Dark
The Face of Helen
The Dead Harlequin
The Bird With the Broken Wings
The Man From the Sea
Harlequin's Lane
The Thirteen Problems (The Tuesday Club Murders) *1932*
The Affair at the Bungalow
The Blood-Stained Pavement
The Blue Geranium
A Christmas Tragedy
The Companion
Death by Drowning
The Four Suspects
The Herb of Death
The Idol House of Astarte
Ingots of Gold
Motive vs. Opportunity
The Thumb Mark of St. Peter
The Tuesday Night Club
The Hound of Death *1933*
The Hound of Death
The Red Signal
The Fourth Man
The Gipsy
The Lamp
Wireless (Where There's a Will)
The Witness for the Prosecution
The Mystery of the Blue Jar
The Strange Case of Sir Arthur Carmichael
The Call of Wings
The Last Séance (The Stolen Ghost)
Parker Pyne Investigates (Mr. Parker Pyne, Detective) *1934*
The Case of the Middle-Aged Wife
The Case of the Discontented Soldier
The Case of the Distressed Lady
The Case of the Discontented Husband
The Case of the Rich Woman
The Case of the City Clerk
The Pearl of Price
The House at Shiraz
Death on the Nile
The Gate of Baghdad
Have You Got Everything You Want?
The Oracle at Delphi
The Listerdale Mystery *1934*
The Listerdale Mystery (The Benevolent Butler)
Philomel Cottage
The Girl in the Train
Sing a Song of Sixpence
The Manhood of Edward Robinson (The Day of His Dreams)
Jane in Search of a Job
A Fruitful Sunday
Mr. Eastwood's Adventure (The Mystery of the Spanish Shawl / The Mystery of the Second Cucumber)
The Golden Ball
The Rajah's Emerald
Swan Song
Murder in the Mews (Dead Man's Mirror) *1937*
Dead Man's Mirror (Hercule Poirot and the Broken Mirror)
The Incredible Theft
Murder in the Mews (Good Night for a Murder)
Triangle at Rhodes (Before It's Too Late / Double Alibi)
The Labours of Hercules *1947*
The Nemean Lion
The Lernean Hydra
The Arcadian Deer
The Erymanthian Boar
The Augean Stables
The Stymphalean Birds
The Cretan Bull
The Horses of Diomedes
The Girdle of Hyppolita
The Flock of Geryon
The Apples of the Hesperides
The Capture of Cerberus
Three Blind Mice *1950*
(Only the title story is included here to avoid duplicating)
The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding *1960*
The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding
The Mystery of the Spanish Chest
The Underdog
Four and Twenty Blackbirds (Poirot and the Regular Customer)
The Dream (The Three Strange Points)
Greenshaw's Folly
Poirot's Early Cases (Hercule Poirot's Early Cases) *1974*
The Affair at the Victory Ball
The Adventure of the Clapham Cook
The Cornish Mystery
The Adventure of Johnnie Waverly (At the Stroke of Twelve)
The Double Clue
The King of Clubs
The LeMesurier Inheritance
The Lost Mine
The Plymouth Express
The Chocolate Box
The Submarine Plans (another version of The Incredible Theft)
The Third Floor Flat
Double Sin (By Road or Rail)
The Market Basing Mystery
Wasp's Nest
The Veiled Lady
Problem at Sea (Poirot and the Crime in Cabin 66 / The Quickness of the Hand)
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Miss Marple's Final Cases and Two Other Stories *1979*
Sanctuary (The Man on the Chancel Steps)
Strange Jest
The Tape-Measure Murder
The Case of the Caretaker
The Case of the Perfect Maid
Miss Marple Tells a Story
The Dressmaker's Doll
In a Glass, Darkly
Problem at Pollensa Bay *1991*
Problem at Pollensa Bay
The Second Gong (another version of Dead Man's Mirror)
Yellow Iris
The Harlequin Tea Set
The Regatta Mystery
The Love Detectives
Next To A Dog
Magnolia Blossom
While the Light Lasts *1997*
The House of Dreams
The Actress (A Trap for the Unwary)
The Edge
The Christmas Adventure / The Theft of the Royal Ruby (another version of The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding)
The Lonely God
Manx Gold
Within a Wall
The Mystery of the Baghdad Chest (another version of The Mystery of the Spanish Chest)
While the Light Lasts
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