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Сб Авг 25, 2007 3:30 pm
:: Advanced Grammar in Use CD-ROM (2nd ed.) книга+CD |
Тесты имеют примерно тот же формат, что и упражнения в учебнике. Они также расположены по тематике как и в учебнике. Предложения для примера озвучены кембриджскими педагогами. После решения тестов Вы сможете посмотреть свои результаты и проанализировать свои ошибки. Система вам обьяснит, в чем заключалась Ваша ошибка, и как ее избежать в дальнешем. Также к упражнению, которе вы выполнили неважно будут при анализе даваться ссылки на топики, которые Вам надо будет повторить, если вы все же хотите выучить данную тему. Данный диск удобен тем, что работает на системе флеш, и может как инсталировать клиент на компьютер, так и сразу запускаться с диска, не инсталлируя при этом ни одного файла.
Advanced Grammar in Use Second edition is a fully updated version of the highly successful grammar title. This new revised edition focuses specifically on the complexities of grammatical choices that advanced students need to appreciate. It also includes a comprehensive Basic Grammar Reference so students can easily review their understanding of language areas they have previously studied.
This new edition is designed to be flexible. The book is available both with and without answers making it ideal for use in the classroom or for self-study. The 'with answers' version of the book is also available packaged with a brand new CD-ROM.
Key Features:
* 100 units of grammar reference and practice materials for advanced level learners of English, including seven completely new units.
* New Additional Exercises, appendices and coverage more specifically aimed at the advanced learner.
* A Grammar Review section which allows learners to review relevant information before starting the more advanced material in the unit.
* An ideal grammar book for students preparing for Cambridge Advanced Examination in English, Cambridge Proficiency in English or IELTS examinations.
* Informed by the Cambridge International Corpus to ensure all the language taught is authentic and up-to-date.
In addition, the CD lets you:
Listen to sound recordings of all the exercises
Record and listen to your own pronunciation
Track your progress during each session
Create your own exercises and practice tests
Find the definition of a word you don't know by clicking on it
книга (pdf) - http://letitbit.net/download/a23c91131567/CAMBRIDGE-ADVANCED-GRAMMAR-.rar.html (51.04Mb)
CD (rar,ISO)
http://letitbit.net/download/7f391b479677/Cambridge.Advanced-Grammar-in-Use-on-CD-ROM-[2nd-edition.200.part1.rar.html (76.29Mb)
http://letitbit.net/download/25b59c700178/Cambridge.Advanced-Grammar-in-Use-on-CD-ROM-[2nd-edition.200.part2.rar.html (76.29Mb)
http://letitbit.net/download/b958ea962937/Cambridge.Advanced-Grammar-in-Use-on-CD-ROM-[2nd-edition.200.part3.rar.html (76.29Mb)
http://letitbit.net/download/2e7c4a265920/Cambridge.Advanced-Grammar-in-Use-on-CD-ROM-[2nd-edition.200.part4.rar.html (28.80Mb)
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