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Faux amis Показать сообщения:   
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  Сб Дек 29, 2007 4:08 am :: Faux amis  Ответить с цитатой


 Пол: Пол:Женский
 ТИМ: Гексли
 Зарегистрирован: 06.07.2006
 Возраст: 48
 Знак зодиака: Весы
 Сообщения: 429
 Откуда: Киев

While learning French I often compare French words with English trying to draw parallels and find analogues. I think this post will be interesting for those who study both English and French

Here is a list of French words which don’t mean the same as in English and English words which don’t mean the same as in French. (The French words are in blue.) You can add more examples if you think of some more

Voici une liste de mots français qui n’ont pas le même sens qu’en anglais et de mots anglais qui n’ont pas le mème sens qu’en français. (Les mots français sont en bleu.) On peut y ajouter d’autres exemples lorsqu’on en trouve plus.

agenda = diary / agenda = ordre du jour
ail = garlic / ail = affliger
basket = basketball / basket = corbeille
bribe = scrap / bribe = pot-de-vin
car = because / car = voiture
chat = cat / chat = bavardage
comment = how / comment = commentaire
court = short / court = cour
four = oven / four = quatre
grand = big / grand = majestueux
main = hand / main = principal
or = gold / or = ou
pain = bread / pain = douleur
par = by / par = égalité
sale = dirty / sale = vente
son = sound / son = fils

Practice makes perfect Smile!
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