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Philosophy of Religion Taught by James Hall audiocourse Показать сообщения:   
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  Вс Сен 09, 2007 2:42 pm :: Philosophy of Religion Taught by James Hall audiocourse  Ответить с цитатой


 Зарегистрирован: 22.08.2007
 Сообщения: 82

Philosophy of Religion
(36 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture)
Course No. 4680
Taught by James Hall
University of Richmond
Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The central questions of this course are:

Can humans know whether the claim "God exists" is true or not?
If so, how?
If not, why not?
Are these first three questions actually useful?
These questions have perplexed us since the first moment we were capable of asking them. Philosophy of Religion invites you to explore the questions of divine existence with the tools of epistemology, the branch of philosophy that concerns itself with what we can know.

In Professor James Hall, Chair of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Richmond, you have an unusually qualified teacher. The son of a Baptist minister (who himself later became a university professor), Professor Hall first trained at a seminary before taking his doctorate in philosophy and embarking on a teaching career nearly 40 years ago.

He announces early in the series where he stands on these issues; this is not a course with a hidden agenda, or an exercise in polemic. (And, no, we won't let the cat out of the bag here. The story of Professor Hall's own background and philosophical journey, which he shares with you in Lecture 3, is far too interesting for us to divulge.)

Файл - rar, mp3
Размер - 143.05 Mb+143.05 Mb+91.77 Mb




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