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Пт Июл 21, 2006 12:35 pm
:: What is English for you? |
Hi everybody!
Let's speak a bit. What is English for you? Why do you need it ?
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Пт Июл 21, 2006 12:55 pm
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Quote to Marina:
The forum is deserted. I hope it will change. Lets talk to you. May be somebody'll join us. I ask you to correct me.
The learning of English is my hobby. What about you? Is it your job?
Well, for me English means a lot of things. This is my hobby, my job and carreer. English is a very effective tool to discover the world and find new friends.
And generally I like learning languages. Since every language is like a music: it has its own tune, melody and rythm.
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Пн Июл 24, 2006 8:54 am
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Do you have linguistic education? How did you study English? What foreign languages do you know besides English?
I study on my own and in group too. We use Cutting-edge. I don't like this course, I think it is superficial. But I like my group and my teacher, that's why I go to my classes.
What do you think about Cutting-Edge?
_________________ Could you correct my mistakes?
Пн Июл 24, 2006 12:49 pm
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Well, yes. I have linguistic education. And I studied English and German at University. I’ve started teaching English as a second year student. Generally teaching is one of the best ways to learn. Therefore if you have any opportunity to help someone on this forum, do this.
Before going to University I studied English on my own since I had no opportunity to have a teacher. I was preparing to TOEFL tests, which greatly helped me at University. And I think that books on TOEFL preparation are very powerful and helpful with learning English.
Marina, I think you have porper attitude and approach to language learning. And I am just curious what do you do and wahtd materials you use in your independent studies?
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Вт Июл 25, 2006 8:14 am
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I don't understand what is
Цитата: |
I think you have porper attitude and approach to language learning |
. I hope it is not offensive.
Now I use "Intermediate English course" by Христорождественская. I think it is very useful. There are very many grammar exercises with keys where you have to choose the correct tense for use, and exercises for translation from Russian to English with keys too.
Sometimes I read "Harry Potter" and learn by heart new words. Sometimes I watch American TV and films, but I understand almost northing. And speaking is problem for me too.
Но дорогу осилит идущий. 
_________________ Could you correct my mistakes?
Вт Июл 25, 2006 11:58 am
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Absolutely! Walk and ye shall reach:)
I didn't mean tp be offensive while talking about your attitude to learning English. It just means: что у тебя правильное отношение и подход к изучению языка.
_________________ Practice makes perfect !
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Пт Сен 08, 2006 9:50 pm
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Hi, everyone.
What is english for me? It is a part of me.
But one of my friends told me that the only way to learn it brilliantly is to live in english speaking country. I hope he is not totally right.
_________________ love is what i believe in and freedom is what i need
Пн Сен 11, 2006 3:13 pm
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Цитата: |
the only way to learn it brilliantly is to live in english speaking country. |
I think it is not necessery. I think it is excuse not to stude English. In my opinion, it is better to learn language at home speaking with such students as you. And go to English speaking country when your English is rather good.
_________________ Could you correct my mistakes?
Пн Сен 11, 2006 6:03 pm
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Yes, I completely agree with Marina.
_________________ Practice makes perfect !
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Пн Сен 11, 2006 8:53 pm
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Марина писал(а): |
Цитата: |
the only way to learn it brilliantly is to live in english speaking country. |
I think it is not necessery. I think it is excuse not to stude English.... |
He is from USA and english is his motherlanguage. He need not study english. But now he is living in germany and he have learned Dutch in several months. On the other hand, i've been learnrnig english for ages and still very far from even "advanced" level. I can't say he is much smarter, he just have a chance to use it(german). Reading, listening, speaking - the parts the mosaic of languge is made of - the first is aviable, the second is pretty hard to use according to very poor internet connection, the last is .. heh only if to speak to the mirror.
_________________ love is what i believe in and freedom is what i need
Вт Сен 18, 2007 3:16 am
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english is my next..future...if ı can be better in english ı will go out my country and ı vill have go to abroud...and ı can find new friends....enjoy..work...everyrting for me ....
not only english ı love all of the languages...because one language is only a man ..two language are two man ı think...
and ı want to find new friends to talk on net...if someone to talk to meet on net ...add me your mail adress.... 
Вт Янв 01, 2008 10:32 pm
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I also study English, i am a philologist of english, but iIdont like how my teacher teach us at the University.
So i decided to enter at once, because I want to be linguist. It is my dream. I study English by myself now.
Also I am going to work abroud during one year by program au-pair.
And I want to get to know what you know about this program?
_________________ Autumn of my soil changed into Spring once again
Сб Мар 01, 2008 3:40 am
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What about me...
When i was at school English was my hobby...
Now i' m studying at the university and i'd like English to become my job... but a lot of things in it are too difficult for me... But i like it very much and i really want it to love me too.
Ср Авг 06, 2008 10:35 pm
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Марина писал(а): |
Do you have linguistic education? How did you study English? What foreign languages do you know besides English?
I study on my own and in group too. We use Cutting-edge. I don't like this course, I think it is superficial. But I like my group and my teacher, that's why I go to my classes.
What do you think about Cutting-Edge? |
Hello, Marina!
That course is good and effective after which you can speak the language fluently...!
Good luck!
_________________ http://www.english-successful-attempt.com
Languages must differ from one another in the same way and to the same degree as those who use them. (C) Baron Wilhelm von Humboldt.